

If you are in a situation where you are owed money and it is clear the party will not pay, or if you have a judgment and you are not clear on how to collect what you are due, call my office for assistance.

One has the right to sue for an unpaid debt.  Note that there are definite advantages for the creditor where there is a written contract.  In situations where a business does obtain a judgment against a scofflaw, the work has just begun to chase down the scoundrel and actually get the money.  There are procedures in Texas to record judgments that will put a lien on real property.  There are tools available to force seizure of certain assets, but you need someone representing you who is knowledgeable in these mechanisms.

For those who are operating their own business, you are selling either products or services.  You make your money by getting paid by the people or companies to whom you have sold your labor or inventory.  You trust that when you keep your end of the bargain your customer or client will do their part by paying for what you have provided them.  Most of the time this process works, but there are times when it doesn’t.

Construction projects can be particularly troublesome.  Texas has a fairly robust procedure to impose mechanics and material liens on a property where the property owner or general contractor does not pay for labor or materials.




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