
Insurance Agent Liability

Where you’ve been denied a claim or paid less than you feel you are due, the fault may not lie only with the insurance company. You should look to see if something the insurance agency did or did not do has contributed to the problem.

Some problems that may be caused by an insurance agency are; a failure to list a covered person or covered vehicle, failure to timely and accurately pass on information you provided in your application, not following your instructions regarding the scope and amount of coverage, or not fairly representing the terms and conditions of the insurance policy.

There are instances where agents take shortcuts or even worse, which result in denial of coverage that you thought you had. In such situations, the insurance agency is may be liable for these mistakes, negligence, or outright bad acts.

In examining all the factors contributing to a denial or reduced amount allowed in an insurance claim, my office will look into what role if any, the insurance agency may have played, and go after them aggressively if they are at fault.




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